What does rest mean to you?

For so many of us, rest is something that we aim for once we’ve taken care of everyone else and everything else, left work for the day, finished the chores, meal preparations, and paperwork, bathed the children and fed the dog. What happens at the end of our day is more like collapse than true rest.

Or we think of rest as lying on the sofa with a book, a quick soak in the bath, an annual trip to a spa or the occasional massage. We tell ourselves that we don’t have time to rest, can’t afford the luxury of a rest because we need to keep going. People are depending on us. We have to produce.

What if...

What if that’s not the truth about rest? What if rest is allowing ourselves to be soothed and deeply nourished, to let go of shoulds and ought-tos? What if you gave yourself regular opportunities to let go of all of the ways that you abandon your body? Allowing your mind and all of its must-abation to fade into the background. Surrendering your body to gravity. Resetting your neurology. Replenishing. And so very much more.

What if you could explore Rest as a Ritual, finding your own way in the process? Finding your way back to your best self; compassionate, present, loving, patient, wise, creative, full of ideas that you can bring to your life, to your relationships, to your work, to your passions…

  • “I’ve listened. I’ve witnessed. I’ve felt. I’ve heard so many of your bodies crying out for peace, gentleness, space to Rest and Be. I’ve heard because I’ve been listening more deeply to my own body, too.”

    - Bernadette Pleasant

Rest is much needed, perhaps now more than ever.

Bernadette will regularly facilitate experiential Rest as Ritual events, bringing some powerful principles and nourishing exercises to this special offering.

You’re invited to join us to experience deep rest, and to learn how to add Rest as Ritual into your daily life.

Will you join us?